Desenvolvimento territorial. Arenas. Negociações. Conflitos.Abstract
The main goal of this paper is to analyze what are the political and social relations that are built between the agents from the Rural Territory Vale do Rio Pardo (RTVRP) and that define some conformation and management of the forum for public policy and community in Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (PRONAT). To achieve this goal, we used a qualitative methodology, based in daily notes from a field notebook and analysis of documents. We used a cognitive approach in our analysis, that is, it is based on rulings about the negotiations and disputes that are related to the production of references for public policies, highlighting where they occurred, in forums/arenas. Our research shows that each social actor that is part of the institutions have trajectories and personal values that consequently guide their decisions in forums. In these areas, there are power relations that carry meaning and values that are considered positive and negative, which affect the decision-making in processes of social management. The arena studied in this paper helps to mark the threshold of the agreements that were signed, strengthening the forum of public policies from the expansion of the capabilities of social forces to articulate, organize, confront, and establish consensus in proposals for historic problems. In our understanding, this is the key to the transformations that these areas offer.
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