Technology industry standard and economic growth paranaense


  • Marco Aurelio Sigismondi Ahuaji Filho
  • Augusta Pelinski Raiher


Technology, Industry, Economic growth, Economy of Paraná


The objective of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution of industries classified by technology intensity along the Paraná, in 1995 and 2010, identifying the relationship between this location and economic growth of the micro Paraná. They used analytical techniques to regional and ran up a linear regression model with panel data. The results indicate a concentration of more advanced technology levels in a few micro-regions, and the Parana a production structure based in the less advanced, with no significant change in this structure when considering the time interval between 1995 and 2010. Finally, we identified a positive and significant effect of industry on the economic growth of micro of Parana, especially when you have more technology intensive industries.

Author Biographies

Marco Aurelio Sigismondi Ahuaji Filho

Augusta Pelinski Raiher

How to Cite

Filho, M. A. S. A., & Raiher, A. P. (2013). Technology industry standard and economic growth paranaense. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 9(2). Retrieved from




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